What about the concern that salt is bad for you?
Some people are concerned about the intake of salt because of issues relating to diet, high blood pressure and hypertension. This type of salt intake is connected to the digestive track. Dry salt therapy is different as it associated to respiratory system. When inhaled, the amount of micro salt particles entering your respiratory system is extremely low that it doesn’t present any risk to your health. It actually kills bacteria, reduces inflammation and expands airways.
In which cases should Salt Therapy be avoided?
Halotherapy is not recommended for individuals with the following conditions:
Existence or suspicion of cancer
Any kind of infectious disease
Acute respiratory disease
COPD with 3rd stage of chronic lung insufficiency
Coughing of blood/bleeding
Infections accompanied by fever
High Blood pressure/hypertension in IIB stage
Any form or stage of tuberculosis
Chronic kidney disease
While there are many clinical and scientific studies conducted on dry salt therapy (halotherapy) throughout the world, the FDA has not evaluated the statements made throughout this material, content, website, etc. Dry salt therapy is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.